Efficient Monitoring of Marketing Campaigns – Companies managing marketing campaigns at a national level invest considerable amounts in promoting certain concepts and promotional messages they wish to convey to consumers. Field feedback on the correct implementation of marketing campaigns is crucial across all utilized channels (both online and offline). IDTotal facilitates the process of collecting, aggregating, and analyzing data related to the implementation of their own and competitor campaigns, enabling management to make informed decisions regarding the effectiveness of actions, changes in strategy, planning future campaigns, etc.
Contact usMonitoring campaigns involves gathering information from modern and traditional networks about the presence of own and competing brands or SKUs, marketing materials – banners, displays, stands, wobblers, etc. (POSM). We can also present the shelf display strategy, with the number of facings, positioning, consumer impact level.
Outsourcing the market information gathering service is a decision that companies placing products in the market can make depending on their own marketing strategy, the retail channels they operate in, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) they track, and the time and budget constraints set for the calendar year. There are over 3500 stores nationwide included in modern trade, and each one is a potential location through which you can generate interest and sales from consumers. In addition to these, there are locations in hospitality, corporate offices, commercial spaces, etc.
IDTOTAL References
We Use the Most Advanced Technology
Through continuous effort and research, IDTOTAL has developed unique technology in the inventory field. We are the first company in the industry to use AI algorithms, voice recognition, wearable technology, electronic signatures integrated into a highly efficient inventory application.
We conduct over 1000 inventories each year in Romania, as well as in continental Europe, with the help of over 5000 inventory specialists.
We use the latest software and hardware technologies integrated into a super-efficient application that helps us have the lowest costs for outsourced projects.
We adhere to the performance criteria agreed with our clients, and in any case where any parameter is not met, we redo the inventory.
Are you looking for a reliable partner for an inventory project? Check out the benefits you will have by collaborating with us.
Contact usEfficient Stock Management
Continuing the reputation gained in exact sciences, and the sustained work capacity and creativity of Romanians, our teams are now available in all markets in Europe, able to undertake both local and transnational projects to the highest standards.
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